Saturday 6-17-17

Festivus games prep

With a 10-Minute Running Clock

– 60 Row-Over Burpees
– While Your Partner Does Single Unders (SU) 

Switch every time the rope jumper stops or misses.

One partner will start SUs and the other partner will perform row-over burpees. Burpees can only be performed while SUs are successfully occurring. If the SU partner stops or misses the Athletes must switch exercises.

Score 3: Time to complete

– Calorie Row
– While Your Partner Does Wall Balls

Partners must switch every 15 wall balls OR if the ball hits the ground. 
Wallball Variations:

Intermediate Men: 20lbs/10ft

Intermediate Women: 14lbs/9ft

Novice/Masters Men: 14lbs/10ft

Novice/Masters Women: 10lbs/9ft

With a 4-Minute Time Cap

2 Rounds for Time

– 20 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (10/leg)
– Partner Wheelbarrow Walk 5 yards

– 20 Dumbbell Cleans

– Partner Wheelbarrow Walk 5 yards 

Athletes decide who does what. It doesn’t matter as long as the work gets done.
Dumbbell Variations:

  Intermediate Men: 35lb

  Intermediate Women: 20lb

  Novice/Masters Men: 20lb

  Novice/Masters Women: 10lb

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