Saturday 9-2-17

Class will be split into two teams, done relay style.

Relay begins and ends with a Team 500m Run and Team Thrusters.

First person must wait until the entire team touches the thruster bar to begin the thrusters.

Time will not be called until the entire team touches the thruster bar after the final run.

Run 400m as a Team
25 Thrusters per person 95/65
Then one at a time all team members must complete 2 rounds of the following:

17 KB Swings 70/53
7 Burpee bar-touch
17 Box Jump Overs 24/20
17 Push-Ups
17 Push Press 95/65

Once the last team member has completed above, then:

25 Thrusters per person 95/65
Run 400m as a Team

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