Saturday 6-6-20

*** Please have all shirt and hat orders in by Tuesday

*** this is a link that all members are eligible for, it is a 100.00 rebate from some of the companies that we use, born primitive, O2,etc click the link and it will tell you how to redeem it. ( its 25.00 per company)

“Highest Calorie WOD”

four rounds

In teams of two,

Two minutes per station

-handstand hold & row for calories

-Pushup position Plank hold & row for calories

-ring hold &row for calories

-hollow body holds & row for calories

-Superman hold & row for calories

*total calories are the score on this WOD

you may only row while your partner is in the prescribed hold position.

each teammate will row every other station, then switch at the end of each round.

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