Sunday 9-5-21


15 min AMRAP

25 toes to bar

50 burpees

75 wall ball shots 20/14


25 knees to arm pits

50 burpees

75 wall ball shots 20/14


15 knee raises

30 burpees

45 wallball shots


review air squats

8 min EMOM

min 1 5 squats and 5 kip swings

min 2 :20 hollow holds and 5 squats

toes to bar progression

8 min amrap

:30 lying toes to bar

:30 hanging knee raises

:30 Kipping knee raises

:30 toes to bar attempts

Burpee and wallball review

wod prep

2 rounds

5 toes to bar

5 burpees

10 wallball shots

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