Monday 9-6-21

** one class today at 10:00am


30 min time cap


10 rounds

200m dB farmers carry 50/35

10 weighted pullups 35/25

20 alt dB snatches 50/35


10 rounds

200m dB carry 35/25

10 strict pullups

20 alt dB snatch 35/25


10 rounds

200m plate carry 25/15

10 ring rows

20 plate ground to overhead 25/15


5 min AMRAP

5 ring rows

5 toe touch and jump

5 dB deadlifts

5 abmat situps


set up dB/kB and perform

3 rounds

3 unbroken pullups

3 unbroken single arm kB swings

3 unbroken dB snatches

4 min

farmer carry test

100m dB farmers carry

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