Saturday 4-4-20

Fundraiser WOD-1

10-min. AMRAP:
10 squats
9 dumbbell snatches, right arm
10 push-ups
9 dumbbell snatches, left arm

♀ 35 lb. ♂ 50 lb

If you don’t have access to DBs, HQ has the following scaled options

  • Dumbbell of a different weight
  • Plastic milk jug
  • Can of food
  • Water bottle
  • Kettlebell

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At home open

CrossFit HQ announced they are holding an “at home open” called the #supportyourlocalbox fundraiser. Registration is open now, first wod comes out Friday April 3rd. Cost is completely free, but if you want, you can choose to donate money when you register to support your box.

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